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I've always loved to write. As a teen I wrote short stories and novellas, then added poetry when I was in my twenties. When I started to write for children after my own children were born, I developed a genre of my own-- short, multicultural and historical fiction set all over the world.


I've just finished book one of a Middle Grade Sci Fi that takes place in the far future. I wrote this novel in collaboration with author/illustrator Andrea Zimmerman.


I'm also completing final drafts of two novels set in Thailand. The first is a fictionalized account of my husband's time in the Northern Thai jungle as a revolutionary in the 1970s. The second is a Middle Grade novel telling the story of my Thai mother-in-law who was a child during World War 2 when the Japanese occupied Thailand. My mother-in-law's family was part of the underground resistance.


I've just begun a Middle Grade novel about a girl who skateboards but longs to surf. She doesn't live far from the ocean but has no way of getting there. 


I love to do collage with found objects and have put several of my picture books up on Amazon in the Kindle Store.